Uncertainty can be stressful and the anxiety that it brings does not sit well with most of us. We like to know what is coming up and to have total control over our futures. The reality, however, is that we have little control outside of ourselves. There are just too many factors that depend upon other people before they can be worked out. What we can control, however, is how we respond to what is going on around us. Self mastery and faith are two practices that will help you to conquer uncertainty and to grow in mind, body and spirit.
I think that most of us take life too seriously and that we care way too much what other people think of us. This leads us to perfectionism, people pleasing, double guessing and stress. During a time of transition it tempting to force our will upon the outcomes not only to feel in control, but to also impress other people out of fear that they will judge us if we fail.