Our Mission for Total Soulful Journey


We each were born with a unique purpose and gifts to contribute to this world. We were created to be happy, healthy and joyous beings. Life, however, includes dualities. We all possess both male and female energies within us that we need to learn how to balance and appreciate. We also go through both good and bad times. How we navigate the difficult times has a huge impact on the quality of our lives. In the depths of our despair it is easy to get stuck and to give up hope. But it is also in our brokenness that we are more likely to surrender our old selves and the disfunctional belief systems that no longer serve our greatest good in order to create something better. In his classic book "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill stated, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” What we perceive as being "bad" can actually be a blessing in disguise that launches our lives in the direction of our true calling. 

Total Soulful Journey is a journey itself. It will begin as a blog about life and how through AWARENESS, FORGIVENESS, and ACCEPTANCE we can turn any moment into an opportunity to learn, to grow, and to spiral upward. Our MISSION is to awaken, inspire and empower you to get to know yourself, love yourself, and become the best version of yourself, because from there your relationships will soar, your stress will decrease, your self esteem will increase, you will perform better in the workplace and your life will greatly improve in all aspects. 

We are going to show you how a Total Soulful Journey filled with love, laughter, passion, purpose, harmony, abundance and the fulfillment of your greatest dreams is right in front of you and available to every single person. Life comes with many obstacles, twists and turns and up and downs, but with commitment, awareness, and consistency we will show you how to forgive and accept those situations in order to create the deep growth that will catapult you forward toward your greatest dreams. 

As we continue growing together and traveling on this wonderful life journey, we will bring many more exciting tutorials, videos and interactive items your way, so please stay tuned! We thank you so much for joining us on this Total Soulful Journey where ultimately our connection as a community will help our collective energy spiral upward. Please read our bios in the ABOUT section of this website to get to know us and why we felt it was our specific purpose to bring our knowledge here to help others. It is never too late to change your course in life. You are the author and the architect of your life and we want to help you navigate through life's challenges to build the life of your dreams.

We get messages all of the time on Instagram and on Facebook thanking us for our inspiring posts, asking for advice and encouraging us to write a book about life. TotalSoulfulJourney.com is our response to all of your positive feedback and we think that it will become a valuable resource for anyone who desires to improve the quality of their life, but doesn't know where to get started. We promise to get real, vulnerable, and courageous with you as we write about topics such as health, fitness, nutrition, cooking, yoga, relationships, communication, parenting, love, wealth, acceptance and so much more that contribute to creating a beautiful, balanced and soulful life. 

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It's time to BELIEVE in yourself and AWAKEN to your full potential! We are on this journey with you still learning and growing, and we know that your participation will help us, as well. We welcome your constructive interactions and your feedback in the comment section on our blog posts. Your questions and your suggestions will also guide our future topics.  

We look forward to growing together with you as a community where we all can thrive!

With love and gratitude,

Paul Garrett & Friends