Getting Better Sleep Using The Wim Hoff Breathing Method

In my last post I gave you six tips for getting better sleep. Since then I started using the Wim Hoff breathing method just before going to sleep and I am getting fantastic results! It almost always took me more than twenty minutes to fall asleep at night and that was if I was lucky, but now that I’m using this breathing method I am falling asleep quickly and sleeping soundly.

Featuring Aileen Day - Photo by Paul Garrett

Featuring Aileen Day - Photo by Paul Garrett

Magnesium, Alcohol, Water and Sleep

Before reading further you should also know that I am taking 400 mg of magnesium (which is good for sleep) in the evening and I have also cut out having a glass of wine in the evening. Furthermore, I have increased the amount of filtered water that I drink each day. All of these adjustments are also contributing to better sleep for me.

Who Is Wim Hoff?

Wim Hoff, aka “The Iceman” is an internationally renown extreme sports athlete who holds world records for withstanding extreme temperatures including climbing Mt. Everest in shorts and submerging himself in ice for almost 2 hours. In order to physically and emotionally endure such activities he has pioneered a method that includes breathing exercises, meditation and cold emersion. Through this method he is able to regulate his body’s autonomic nervous system, which regulates the organs and other internal states of the body.

Benefits of the Wim Hoff Method

  1. Boost your immune system

  2. Improve your sleep 

  3. improve mental focus

  4. Improve your ability to handle cold

  5. Increase your energy

  6. Lower your levels of stress

  7. May help reduce depression and symptoms of PTSD

Featuring Annie James - Photo by Paul Garrett

Featuring Annie James - Photo by Paul Garrett

How I Use the Wim Hoff Breathing Method for Sleep

When I am ready do go to sleep, I prop up pillows behind my back and against the wall for comfort on my bed in a dark room. I then sit with my back strait and my legs crossed in lotus position. Once I am sitting comfortably I play the guided breathing video by Wim Hoff that you can watch below. This video takes you through three rounds, which start with a period of hyperventilation, that is rapidly breathing in and out without ever pausing. On the last exhale you are guided to hold your breath for one minute. Next you are instructed to take a deep breath in and hold it for 15 seconds before starting into round two, in which the breath holding portion is extended to one and a half minutes. During this round do not be surprise if you feel some tingling in your fingers and coolness upon your skin. You may also start feeling relaxation during this period. The third and final round is identical to round two, after which I feel relaxed and my mind is cleared of thought. At this point I continue on with meditation and sometimes fall asleep while sitting up. In the morning I wake up feeling refreshed and grateful for a night of deep, quality sleep.

Let me know if the Wim Hoff Breathing Method works for you. Like anything new, it may take some practice to gain the full benefits from doing it. Stay with it and you will start mastering your mind, your body and your ability to fall fall asleep faster. You can also use this method in the morning to give your mind clarity and to energize your body. Most people breath in a shallow manner that does not properly deliver oxygen to their body. Through this breathing method you improve your uptake of oxygen, which is healthy for you.

Sleep well,


Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Post Every Other Tuesday

How to Deal With Uncertainty

August and September are transitional months and with change comes uncertainty. As we transition from summer into fall many of us are dealing with big moves in our lives. Some are starting new jobs, others are going off to college for the first time, and many of us are actually moving to new places.

It is possible to sit comfortably with uncertainty. Photography by Paul Garrett

It is possible to sit comfortably with uncertainty. Photography by Paul Garrett

Uncertainty can be stressful and the anxiety that it brings does not sit well with most of us. We like to know what is coming up and to have total control over our futures. The reality, however, is that we have little control outside of ourselves. There are just too many factors that depend upon other people before they can be worked out. What we can control, however, is how we respond to what is going on around us. Self mastery and faith are two practices that will help you to conquer uncertainty and to grow in mind, body and spirit.

I think that most of us take life too seriously and that we care way too much what other people think of us. This leads us to perfectionism, people pleasing, double guessing and stress. During a time of transition it tempting to force our will upon the outcomes not only to feel in control, but to also impress other people out of fear that they will judge us if we fail. 

Use uncertainty to your advantage. It can be a good thing! Photography by Paul Garrett

Use uncertainty to your advantage. It can be a good thing! Photography by Paul Garrett

I’m moving in September and for the first time I don’t know exactly when and where I will finally end up. People want to know “what’s your A plan and your B plan?” This time around I have given my plans up to the Universe, trusting fully that the best outcomes are in the works for me. In the meanwhile I am going to go on a road trip that I have been dreaming of for awhile to see parts of the USA that I have not seen in years and to gather new inspiration and photos for this blog. This might sound crazy, however, the Universe has brought me some unexpected experiences and opportunities over the past three years that have been amazing. As a result I’ve truly learned to trust the journey and let go. Thanks to my growing faith, I’ve become comfortable for the most part with uncertainty. In fact, I often welcome it because it can be exciting and it is always a catalyst for my growth.

Here are 5 tips for dealing with uncertainty:

  1. Practice faith - Trust that the Universe has your back.
  2. Work on yourself - learn a new skill or try doing something that you have never tried before. This will give you confidence.
  3. Eat healthy food - Unhealthy food is a source of stress, but fresh organic fruits and veggies will give your body the perfect energy to keep you healthy and feeling good as you deal with uncertainty.
  4. Move your body - exercise will make you feel more confident and energetic.
  5. Surrender and release - Visualize the outcome that you are looking for and then surrender it to the Universe. Trust that everything will work out perfectly for your highest greatest good.

Uncertainty is a part of life. Welcome it as an opportunity to change and grow. Sometimes it takes being terribly uncomfortable to move us out of our comfort zones and into action. Growth only comes when we challenge ourselves and I believe wholeheartedly that we are not here just to eat, sleep, work and pay the bills. We are her to enjoy life, to learn, to love, to fulfill our purpose and to grow.

Wishing you all the best,


Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Posts Every Tuesday and Saturday

Juicing 101

Juicing 101

Juicing is one of my new favorite things and I am about to explain why! I am not talking about a juice fast or cleanse, but simply adding a juice a day to keep the doctor away. Suddenly more juice places are popping up, my friends are talking about it and a local yoga studio is even thinking of offering juice to its clients. I personally do not own a juicer, but my dear friend does and was kind enough to show me how to juice using a combination of fruits and vegetables that pair well. I began to juice almost every day and I noticed my skin becoming clear and bright and I was far more energetic. I occasionally drank the juice as my breakfast, but most of the time I juiced in addition to my meals. 

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How to Calm Anxiety - 11 Helpful Tips

How to Calm Anxiety - 11 Helpful Tips

The relationship that we have with ourself is the most important relationship in our life. Furthermore, how we feel about ourselves impacts the closet people around us. One of the biggest things that affects most of us is anxiety. This is particularly true right now due to the troubling events that are happening around the world these days. Anxiety is a form of stress that generally stems from overthinking. This is especially true if we are focusing on an uncertain future, rehashing traumatic or unpleasant events from the past, or comparing ourselves to others, like we often do when we spend time on social media. We all experience anxiety to one extent or another, but that doesn’t mean that we have to live with it all of the time.

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