The Amazing Health Benefits of Acai Berries
/While we are still in flu and cold season, I want to share with you my number one superfood secret that helps to keep me healthy all year long. I have been drinking acai juice (pronounced ah-sah-EE) for approximately nine years and during that time I have only had a handful of minor colds and my recent, but short lasting bout of the flu. And here’s the thing, I caught those colds when I ran out of acai juice and couldn’t buy more for several days. Prior to drinking acai juice daily I would typically get two or more hardcore colds each year that my kids brought home from school.
Sambazon Acai Juice from Costco - Photography by Paul Garrett
How Much Acai Juice Should I Drink Daily?
My protocol is simple, I drink 6 ounces of Sambazon Acai Juice every morning and if I feel the symptoms of a cold coming on, I drink another 6 ounces later in the day to head the virus off. This almost always works unless I am worn down or completely stressed out. After all, good health relies upon multiple factors, including getting plenty of sleep and controlling your levels of stress.
Where Does Acai Come from?
Acai juice comes from the berries of the acai palm, which grows along rivers and in the tropical wetlands of Brazil and other parts of South and Central America. Acai berries are about the size of a blueberry, but ninety percent of their size is due to a large seed.
Aileen Day enjoying a healthy dose of winter sunshine - Photography by Paul Garrett
Five Health Benefits of Acai Berries
High in Antioxidants: Acai berries are one of the best sources of antioxidants, which protect your cells from being damaged by free radicals. This is one of the reasons that acai berries are considered to be a super food.
Boost Your Immune System: As I mentioned already, this is a benefit that I have experienced time and time again over the past nine years.
Good For Your Heart: Acai berries contain an antioxidant called, anthocyanin. This polyphenolic compound “may lower oxidative stress and lower inflammation” according to an article from
Boost Your Energy: Acai juice gives me a little boost of energy thanks to amino acids that promote energy production. As a result I drink it first thing in the morning and not before bedtime.
Improves Mental Function: The phytochemicals that are good for the heart are also beneficial for the mind. Over the past nine years my mind has become sharper. During this time I have also reduced my consumption of refined sugar and meat, and have improved my overall health. Acai juicer is one component among many that have helped me think better.
There are additional claimed benefits, such as being good for digestion and weight loss. Some also contend that it can lower blood pressure. In addition, according to, “Acai berries contain as much Vitamin C as blueberries and is also a source of Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and E. It is also a source of calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.”
How to Make Traditional Acai Bowls
Acai juice has definitely boosted my good health over the past nine years and I continue to drink it everyday as part of a healthy lifestyle. The best deal that I have found for Sambazon Organic Acai Juice is at Costco Wholesale. You will find it in the cooler section of the warehouse if it is carried by your local store. It is also available at Market of Choice if you live in Oregon. Have you ever tried acai juice? If so let me know what you think of it on my Instagram or in the comment section below.
To your health,
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