Creating Happiness During the Holidays - Tips 4 to 6

Creating Happiness During the Holidays - Tips 4 to 6

Happiness and gratitude go hand in hand. That’s why I start every day giving thanks for 3 to 5 people or things that I appreciate in my life. This immediately puts me into a positive state of mind and sets the tone for creating a beautiful day.

A happy life requires that we become aware of our thoughts and that we condition our subconscious minds with positive thinking. After all, positive thoughts create a positive life, just as negative thoughts create a negative life. The practice of gratitude conditions our minds to be positive, even when our lives are turned upside down by external circumstances.

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F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)

F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)


When we live from a place of love, all things are possible. Fear and love are polar opposites. Fear holds us back and love propels us forward. Shame, divorce, violence and obesity are just a few of our society’s massive problems, most of which can be overcome through self study. We must know, love and understand ourselves before we can fully love, fully be loved and fully reach our greatest potential.

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