7 Tips for Boosting Your Personal Energy
/I spent a very busy seven days in Seattle last week after a super productive weekend at a start up business event in Portland the weekend prior. My time in Seattle is always super valuable because it is so limited and I have to pack in as many meetings and photo shoots as I possibly can. I normally have a lot of creative energy, but after a busy weekend my brain was running on empty and I had to do everything that I could to show up 100 percent with my friends and my clients in Seattle.
Spending time in nature can ground and restore our energy. Photography by Paul Garrett
Our minds need time to process information, clear out toxins and renew stores of energy. This is why it is so important to take at least one day off each week to rest and restore. When that is not possible, then we need to do everything possible to support our brains and our bodies in order perform at a high level to get our work done.
7 Tips For Boosting Your Personal Energy
Eat healthy food. Eating well is especially difficult when we are rushed or on the road. Fast food is plentiful, but it lacks nutrition and can ultimately make us feel overweight and sluggish. Keep fresh fruit like bananas, apples and oranges on hand, and avoid eating junk food, soda and energy drinks. They may give you an initial boost, but will likely crash your energy before your work day is done. Also avoid relying on alcohol to wind down at the end of the day. Alcohol can be disruptive to deep sleep and it is very taxing on our bodies to process it. Learn more about healthy eating in my blog called, “Top Foods for Your Brain."
Prioritize what you have to get done. Do what is essential and cancel obligations that you don’t feel like doing. We often tell ourselves that we have to do something when in reality, we really don’t. We only have so much energy in a day so it is important how we spend it.
Do the tasks that give you energy and limit the activities that cause you to feel dread and thus wear you down.
Work with people who inspire and give you energy. If you have 10 people who want to meet with you, but only have time to meet with 8, you have to decide who is essential for your work and who will also inspire and give you energy. Let’s be realistic, some people can be draining and especially difficult to deal with when we are short on energy.
Make sleep a priority! Our brains work hard to process and store data and do self maintenance while we are sleeping. Obviously it is difficult for us to think clearly and be productive when we are exhausted. It varies per person how much sleep we require, but 8 hours is generally optimal. Once again, avoid using alcohol to wind down your mind at the end of the day. A healthier alternative is to use CBD if you need assistance to calm your mind and fall asleep. It actually has beneficial properties, such as reducing inflammation, and it will likely help you to feel calm and refreshed in the morning.
Get outside in the sunshine. The sun provides our body with vitamin D, which is an energy booster. It also regulates our circadian rhythms by triggering the release of serotonin in our brains to keep us alert during the day. A twenty minute walk outside will also increase your circulation and give you a nice dose of energy.
Meditate before you start your day. Meditation is known to relax our minds, help us to focus and to mindfully manage our energy during the day.
Sunshine, exercise and hydration boost our energy. Photography by Paul Garrett
These tips will help you to maximize both your physical and your mental energy when you are exhausted and stretched thin. Just remember that there is no substitute for taking a couple days off each week to rest, relax and restore your mind, your body and your spirit. We live in this crazy world where we are constantly on the go, are eating poorly and don’t get enough sleep. This is actually very counter to our productivity. Rest is vital to our wellbeing. Silence is also important for helping our brains think creatively. Be mindful of where you are spending your energy and you will experience less stress and be more productive.
Wishing you a calm and productive work week,
P.S. - Do you ever suffer from feeling lonely? Tune in next week to learn about how to deal with loneliness, which has become an epidemic in recent years. Please click on the little heart below and connect with me on Instagram.
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