What Stops Us From Finishing What We Start

What Stops Us From Finishing What We Start

What do you want in life? Pause and reflect a moment. Most people can list all the things they do not want faster and easier than they can answer what they do want. Life is truly full of choices; what do you want for breakfast, will we workout before work or after, do we really want to commit to the relationship we in and where will we be five years down the road?

The truth is that we are all born with a purpose. Many do not know or understand their purpose and instead get caught spinning unhappily on “the hampster wheel of life.” Others wear “masks” living the life they feel their parents wanted for them. Marriages are crumbling at an astonishing rate of one out of two. People are dying of heart disease and suffering from obesity as a result of stress. The stress though, is a result of unhappiness. We work to make more money, but that often robs us of time and energy and does not create true and lasting happiness. 

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