What Stops Us From Finishing What We Start
/Commitment is Contingent on Knowing Our Purpose
What do you want in life? Pause and reflect a moment. Most people can list all the things they do not want faster and easier than they can answer what they do want. Life is truly full of choices; what do you want for breakfast, will we workout before work or after, do we really want to commit to the relationship we are in and where will we be five years down the road?
The truth is that we are all born with a purpose. Many do not know or understand their purpose and instead get caught spinning unhappily on “the hampster wheel of life.” Others wear “masks” living the life they feel their parents wanted for them. Marriages are crumbling at an astonishing rate of one out of two. People are dying of heart disease and suffering from obesity as a result of stress. The stress though, is a result of unhappiness. We work to make more money, but that often robs us of time and energy and does not create true and lasting happiness.
We must know where we are going and our true purpose in order to feel settled, happy and healthy. But, what if I tell you that your truest purpose is to connect with the Divine within you to become the greatest version of yourself? No, I am not a fortune teller, but that truly is our most basic purpose. If you live each day making choices that lead to a better YOU, you will improve your life, your health and your happiness. Our spirits have the extraordinary ability to soar when we step out of our own way by releasing the constraints of fear that hold us back.Search yourself, find something deep within that no one else can recreate. THAT is your special gift and it is within us all.
“The only reason you don’t feel this energy all the time is because you block it. You block it by closing your heart, by closing your mind, and by pulling yourself into a restrictive space inside. This closes you off to all the energy. When you close your heart or close your mind you hide in the darkness within you.”
What Stops Us From Finishing What We Start
We often set out with wonderful ambition to complete new projects; losing weight, getting fit, volunteering, home projects… But how often do we follow them through to completion? Often the answer we hear is, “I did not have enough time.” Time is not the problem my friends, it is the lack of energy that is the culprit. Energy is created by a sense of purpose and living a lifestyle that is true to bettering ourselves in every way possible. When we harness this energy and use it for our betterment, we find peace and happiness within. Stress and fear cause blockages in our Chakras and, therefore, constrain the vital flow of energy within us. Live with passion and persistance to persue your goals. Avoid sabotaging your dreams. Happiness comes from discovering who you are and honoring that through awareness and acceptance.
Once you live with this as your main purpose it is easy to find your secondary purpose, which for many may be a specific career. It is incredibly important to find a profession that you love because when you do you will never really work another day and you will not need to escape daily life to take a vacation. Having a sense of purpose creates connections, support and relieves stress and anxiety. The light within you will shine brightly and will serve as a beacon to others to rise into the greatest version of themselves, just as a lighthouse lights the way home for boats. We are all going home.
Let your Passion be the lighthouse that guides you to your purpose in life. Photo by Paul Garrett
My primary purpose is striving to be the best version of myself. No one is perfect and we all struggle from time to time. As long as you use the obstacles in life to push you forward through awareness, acceptance, and forgiveness you will never get lost. My secondary purpose is helping others achieve becoming their best self. It took me until I was 32 years old to know and understand both purposes fully. But finally, I am living the life that I love. I teach mindfulness and awareness through the movement of yoga and the stillness of meditation. If you are struggling to find your purpose, please consider trying a yoga class near where you live. Message me if you have any questions about finding a good fit. We each have the same primary purpose, but our secondary purposes are each different and that is what makes the world so beautifully colorful and yet united.
Take the Road Less Traveled
“Every happiness in life comes from discovering who you are as a unique individual and being true to your own self.”
Be unique, be weird, be YOU! Everyone else is taken. Draw a map in your mind of where you want to go in life. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals. Feel yourself there rather than worrying about how to get there. Now, imagine which roads on your map will get you to your final destination of choice faster. Take those roads. And if you hit a pothole, tune into awareness and resist denial. Once we are fully aware of the things that we do not like about ourselves we can begin to change and grow with improvement. We all have flaws and road blocks, but never ever give up. Believe in yourself and believe in your destiny of greatness!
P.S. - I will be reviewing a fabulous book called, "The Rhythm of Life" by Mathew Kelly for this month's TSJ Bookclub. This is a New York Times bestseller that will help you to better manage the busy, noisy, stressful times in which we live. I have added "The Rhythm of Life" to my Yoga Fit Boutique bookstore (click here) for your convenience. I hope that you will pick up a copy and join me for my review and bookclub discussion at the end of May! If you haven't already, checkout our TSJ Bookclub review of "The Untethered Soul" in our last post.
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