The End of New Years Resolutions... Wishful Thinking Is Not a Plan For Success
/I will be the first to admit that New Years Resolutions rarely have been fulfilled by me. It’s simple to declare a couple lofty goals that you would like to achieve in the next 365 days, but following through requires a clear plan and inspired action that is scheduled and has measurable outcomes.
Austin, Texas - Photo by Paul Garrett
This past year I attended Danny Morel’s “Awaken” three day retreat in Austin, Texas. It was an incredible experience which combined spirituality, self help and business mentoring. I not only learned about better business practices at this event, I also healed the most important relationships in my life thanks to the breathwork sessions, which were supernatural to me. During all three sessions I rose out of my body and was shown by Spirit what needed healing. The results were instant and within two days, two important relationships had been reconciled.
danny Morel at Awaken in Austin, Texas - Photo by Paul Garrett
As a result of the retreat I joined Danny’s business mastermind called, “The Tribe.” We meet one to two times a day during the week on Zoom to learn about business, health, self improvement, relationships and spirituality. From these classes I have been given systems to set my business up for greater success in 2023. I have also remove many of the limiting beliefs that had been holding me back from greater success.
Vision Casting
This week I have been doing an exercise that Danny calls, “Vision Casting.” This is where you envision what your perfect day will look like in 2023 and write it down. Using descriptive language you describe it in great detail right down to how you feel at any given moment durning your perfect day. Whenever I envision I see my future dream house in perfect detail, as well as the woman of my dreams. I not only see our home, but also the casita out back beside the swimming pool where our office space will be and feel what it will be like to write my books and edit my photos and documentaries in that space with my business team.
While envisioning we were directed to describe the following key pillars of our lives:
Health and fitness
Money and finances
2023 will be a very productive and creative year for me. My major intentions are to complete and publish my book about the challenges of love and relationships in our current world. Everyone needs love, seeks love and even craves being loved. Sadly most people who I know are struggling in their relationships or have given up on finding a soul mate and the love that they desire. The roles between men and women have changed so drastically in the last thirty years and as a result we are confused when it comes to dating and building a beautiful relationship that truly fulfills us. I’m going to help you become conscious about love and relationships in my book and also teach you how to become the best version of yourself. I’ve been through a lot of relationship challenges in the past ten year which forced me to dig deep and learn all about these important topics. I have been transformed by love and I want to help you do the same.
Robin Martin who will be in my Documentary Film - Photo by Paul Garrett
I also intend to film all of the interviews for my documentary film about the healing power of yoga, breathwork and meditation. I have a very interesting and dynamic cast for my film and I am excited to share it with you when it is complete. It will be heart warming, informative and inspiring. In addition, I intend to set up an online store where I will sell clothing and original wall hangings to support the production of my book and of my film. Thankfully I have a business group that supports and inspires my dreams. It also gives me important resources and accountability to successfully bring these soul based projects to life.
Breathwork at Awaken with Danny Morel - Photo by Paul Garrett
If you are interested in taking your life to the next level, I highly recommend that your attend Danny Morel’s “Awaken” retreats and join one of his two mastermind groups. We all can succeed if we have the proper resources. Investing in self growth is one of the wisest ways to spend your money. The most important person in your life is YOU. Make this the year that you let go of the things that no longer serve you and gather the courage to invest in your vision for your best life.
The Higher Self With Danny Morel
I urge you to never give up on your dreams. Even in a tough economy there are opportunities for you to make money and prosper. This is also a great time to invest in your health, to heal yourself from trauma, to magnetize the love of your life and to become the very best version of yourself.
Wishing you a happy, healthy, prosperous and inspiring year in 2023!
All the best,
Paul Garrett