How to Protect Yourself From Colds, the Flu & CV-19 During the Holidays
/It’s cold and flu season… We are exposed to these viruses year round and yet this is the time of the year when most people get sick from them. So let’s examine the factors that make us more susceptible to becoming ill during the fall and winter holidays.
Photo by Paul Garrett
Here are some of the biggest suspects:
Less sun exposure equals less vitamin D
Increase in sugar consumption
Eating more foods containing vegetable oils
Higher alcohol consumption
Added stress and obligations
Less exercise
More exposure to people in confined spaces
Libby Mcavoy Photographed by Paul Garrett
Sunshine and Vitamin D
Sunshine energizes our bodies and direct sunlight on our skin helps our bodies produce vitamin D. Vitamin D3 is essential to our health and helps bolster our immune system. If you live above the 33rd latitude (in the USA any place north of Phoenix) for approximately half of the year you are unable to get enough vitamin D from the sun. This means that you will need to get it from your food (wild salmon, cod liver oil, certain mushrooms, grass fed beef, pasture raised eggs), or from vitamin D3 supplements.
Refined Sugar
Refined sugar in holiday cookies, pies, cakes and candy makes the holiday season sweet and festive. Unfortunately sugar also has many adverse impacts upon our bodies and undermines our immune systems. Enjoy these treats sparingly and you will also minimize adding inches to your waist this time of year.
Vegetable Oil
Vegetable/seed oils are just as bad if not worse than sugar at causing inflammation and at harming the immune system. Check food labels for oils such as:
You’ll be surprised at how many processed foods contain them.
With all of the holiday parties the consumption of alcohol also increases this time of year. Not only does alcohol make us feel tired and less motivated, it also suppresses our immune system and inhibits quality sleep. Drink in moderation and once again you will also prevent packing on unwanted pounds this season.
Holiday Stress
Sadly stress also rises this time of year. Buying presents adds financial stress, so does the pressure of attending additional holiday parties. Create a reasonable budget for buying presents and focus more on having quality time with friends and family. Don’t feel badly if you have to turn down party invitations. Do what makes you happy and keeps you unstressed. Do not pressure yourself to do things that you do not want to do. Honor your finances, your time and your energy, and make sure that you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
Photo by Paul Garrett
The Importance of Exercise
With cold stormy weather it is harder to get exercise everyday during the winter months. If you live in a really cold part of the world consider getting a membership at a gym, or start a yoga practice. There are many yoga instructional videos on YouTube that will lead you through your yoga sessions. Exercise has a positive impact upon our immune system and makes us feel more energetic and positive about our bodies.
Wash Your Hands
Cold weather means more time indoors in confined spaces. This increases our exposure to germs. Do not worry. Germ exposure actually strengthens our immunity as long as we are doing everything else right to stay heathy and vibrant. Just remember to properly wash your hands and stay away from people who are sick.
Loneliness, Sadness and Depression During the Holidays
Loneliness, sadness and depression suppress the immune system, too. Your immune system is connected to your emotions. Sharing how you are feeling with someone close to you will help to lift your spirits. Keep in touch with people who make you feel good this time of year. We need to feel connected to feel our best. Also reach out to those who live alone. Let them know that you are thinking of them. This is sure to lift their emotions and doing nice things for other people is a good mood booster for you, as well.
A Manhattan cocktail - Photo by Paul Garrett
Finally, in addition to limiting alcohol, sugar and other unhealthy foods, consider taking natural supplements to boost your body’s ability to ward off colds and the flu. I am not a doctor so I cannot tell you what to take, however, I will share the supplements that I take to keep me healthy. My favorites are vitamin 3D, vitamin C and magnesium glycinate. I also add zinc and quercetin if I have been exposed to a person who is sick or feel symptoms such as a scratchy throat coming on. You can get the proper dosage of vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and quercetin in a supplement called, Z-STACK. I have not personally taken it, but I’ve heard good things about it.
photo by Paul Garrett
Eat healthy organic food, stay well and enjoy the wonder of the season.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
All the best,
Paul Garrett
P.S. - My documentary film about the healing power yoga, breathwork and meditation, as well as my book about love and how to have a lasting and fulfilling relationship are coming along nicely. I look forward to sharing them with you when they are completed. Thank you for reading this blog and for signing up for my newsletter!