Accept What You Cannot Change Without Judgement
There is no greater feeling than that of complete acceptance. Whether it is acceptance in the workplace or in a relationship, it feels wonderful and loving to be fully accepted flaws and all. To practice awareness first, and then acceptance free from judgement is incredibly liberating. It sets us free from the stress and confines of living in a box and allows us unlimited possibilities for growth.
Eckhart Tolle Teaches us to stay present in each moment which helps us to gain mental clarity and awareness.
To live fully and in our truth we must first accept ourselves. It is important to love and accept ourselves exactly where we are before we can grow into the person we desire to become. Then we must accept those around us free from judgment. In relationships where this is not reciprocated and our spirits are harmed by the other person's judgements and negativity, it is also Ok to let go and move on from them (healthy boundaries are essential). You see it is not up to us to judge and to try to change others. The reality is that the only person who we really can change is ourselves.
TEDx Cincinnati Audition
Acceptance is especially critical in a relationship. It provides deep security to know that your partner accepts you for exactly who you are. We all have flaws, that is part of being human. And we learn by making mistakes. In a loving, nurturing relationship our partner accepts us just the way we are, forgives our flaws and embraces our mistakes to grow with us.
Forgiveness and acceptance go hand in hand and are critical to our self growth. For example, I forgave my husband when he snapped in a moment of rage and physically abused me. We tried for years to save our marriage. I fully accepted what happened and who we both were as people, however the trust could never be repaired so we had to accept that and go our separate ways in order to maintain a lifelong friendship. He is absolutely not a bad person in any way, he just made a mistake. Forgiveness is important in the healing process, not only for both of us, but for our family and our friends. Acceptance and forgiveness are far reaching. So practice them on yourself and then on all others. The world needs more love. It all starts within YOU. We are all fundamentally the same. Once we realize this unity, so much of the stress that we face will dissipate.
Peace, Love and Light,
Libby McAvoy
once i accepted and forgave, i was able to conquer my biggest fears and i had the courage to persue my destiny. I turned my hardships into advantages to move forward and get unstuck in My life! Click on this sentence if you would like to learn more about how I overcome fear.
Next on up on the blog:
Take the masks off and be authentic (vulnerability is a good thing)
Here's a reminder of what we are covering in this 10 part series:
Top Ten Tips for Transforming Your Life
1 Start now with what you have
2 F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)
5 Forgive yourself, and then others (do not hold grudges)
6 Accept what you cannot change without judgement
7 Take the masks off and be authentic (vulnerability is a good thing)
8 Let go of what no longer serves your highest good
9 Practice gratitude
10 Trust the Universe