Why Do We Make The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again?

Why Do We Make The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again?

Do you ever wonder why people make the same mistakes over and over again? The answer to this question is both biological and psychological in my opinion. Patterns in our behavior come from deeply seated habits and beliefs that we have hardwired within our brains. In addition, our love of the chemical neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine can also play a role in promoting our non-productive behaviors, like screen addiction. Once a habit has been developed, it is really easy to repeat it because our brains have developed strong neuro pathways that make it effortless for us to perform these behaviors.

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Redefining the Meaning of Success in 2019

Redefining the Meaning of Success in 2019

Tony Robbins believes that “that success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” For the past century success in the western world has been defined by external factors such as job titles, how much money we make, how big our house is or what kind of car we drive. The pursuit of status and power has driven so many to trade their health and peace of mind for wealth, not realizing that health itself is the true wealth. The reality is that there are a lot of millionaires who are depressed. They possess lots of money and materials and yet true fulfillment and peace still allude them.

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The Four Commitments - 2019

The Four Commitments - 2019

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you follow through with them? You are not alone if you answered YES to the first question and NO to the second. For example, 90% of people who join gyms to in January no longer go to them by March. And according to Forbes Magazine, just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions. Why is that?

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What Does "As Within, So Without" Mean?

What Does "As Within, So Without" Mean?

What does “As Within, So Without” mean to you? This expression is considered to be a universal truth or law which shows us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. What we feel and what we believe have a tendency to manifest in our lives. For this reason it is very important to raise our awareness regarding this universal truth and to understand how it applies to our lives.

For example, have you had periods in your life where bad things keep happening to you and it feels like you never get a break from the problems and challenges that keep weighing you down? Stop and think about this,

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Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude


There is always something that you can be grateful for. Even in the worst of times this still rings true. Start with your breath, for example. Breathe in deeply and marvel at the wonder that is life. You are a living miracle and that is something to be grateful for. Look at your hands and think of all the amazing things that they can do for you. Go outside and listen to the birds. Think how incredible it is that you can hear them. 

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