Why Do We Make The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again?

Why Do We Make The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again?

Do you ever wonder why people make the same mistakes over and over again? The answer to this question is both biological and psychological in my opinion. Patterns in our behavior come from deeply seated habits and beliefs that we have hardwired within our brains. In addition, our love of the chemical neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine can also play a role in promoting our non-productive behaviors, like screen addiction. Once a habit has been developed, it is really easy to repeat it because our brains have developed strong neuro pathways that make it effortless for us to perform these behaviors.

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9 Tips for Creating Happiness During the Holidays - Tips 1-3

 9 Tips for Creating Happiness During the Holidays - Tips 1-3

There is a saying in the news biz, “If it bleeds, it reads.” The news industry is all about making money by peddling bad news to up their ratings. The news primes our brains to feel unsafe by hyping wars, riots, shootings, natural disasters, ugly politics and the list goes on and on. All of these negative Images and messages take a toll upon our feelings of well being and are downright depressing. Watch enough of the news and you are going to feel down. I turned off the news two years ago and I have never felt better. Remember that most news is toxic, so don’t drink the punch! The media also exaggerates our illusion of separateness. It points out our differences such as red states vs blue states, black vs white, rich vs poor, Muslim vs Christian… This is what is known as identity politics and it is designed to pit us against one another. This too preys upon our fears, causing us to have a stress response, so turn off the news during the holidays to preserve your happiness.

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What Does "As Within, So Without" Mean?

What Does "As Within, So Without" Mean?

What does “As Within, So Without” mean to you? This expression is considered to be a universal truth or law which shows us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. What we feel and what we believe have a tendency to manifest in our lives. For this reason it is very important to raise our awareness regarding this universal truth and to understand how it applies to our lives.

For example, have you had periods in your life where bad things keep happening to you and it feels like you never get a break from the problems and challenges that keep weighing you down? Stop and think about this,

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From Mindfulness to Awakening to Higher Consciousness

From Mindfulness to Awakening to Higher Consciousness

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that helps us to calm our minds, focus our thoughts and anchor ourselves in the present. By being aware of being aware we are able to live our lives with intention, focus our energy on what really matters to us and let go of what no longer serves our greatest good. This means that we become aware of the unconscious programming that has controlled our thoughts and our behaviors, and awaken to the realization that we no longer have to be rule by it.

Two highly effective ways to make the unconscious conscious is through meditation and journaling. They are especially effective if you do them first thing in the morning before your mind is filled with your to do list for the day. To learn how to meditate, check out Libby’s previous post called, “The Powerful Benefits of Meditation and How to Get Started.”

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Is Your Mind Full or Are You Mindful?

Is Your Mind Full or Are You Mindful?

Mindfulness is a big buzz word right now. I have learned mindfulness through my yoga practice and studies. Mindful speaking, mindful meditations and basically growing awareness to cultivate a higher consciousness is what I think of when I hear the word mindfulness. However, this week when I completed parent orientation at the University of Kentucky for my daughter’s freshman year I heard the word and a detailed explanation in an entirely new way. We heard from many authorities and leaders from the school and it was very impressive how many resources are available to the students at UK, but the head of student services talked at great length about the transitions and stress our children undergo throughout college, but especially the freshman transition. He talked about what it means to drink responsibly. Think about this and jot down how you would explain that phrase to your child. First, be of legal age.

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The Powerful Benefits of Meditation and How to Get Started

The Powerful Benefits of Meditation and How to Get Started

Many people are intimidated by meditation because they associate it with quieting the busy mind, which can be difficult at first. But meditation by definition is, “a written or spoken discourse expressing thoughts on a subject. Musing. Concentration. Reflection. Pondering” (source: Google Dictionary). So, when we think of it like this rather than trying to stop thinking altogether, meditation becomes much more approachable. What we resist will always persist. Allow the process and trust that the results of meditation will be worth the effort.

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The Power of Vulnerability

The Power of Vulnerability

We are all human and none of us are perfect. We all have flaws and fears. We also all possess the ability to love fiercely. What is it about vulnerability that scares us and makes us feel weak? Being Vulnerable means loving and accepting ourselves, admitting to times when we are wrong or make a mistake, accepting and acknowledging our weakness in order to grow, and forgiving ourselves and others. 

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