A Message to the Graduates of 2018
/My How Time Flies
It seems like yesterday that my first born, my baby girl Morgan was born. Each stage and every year of her life has truly been a gift. From watching her take her first steps, to hearing her sweet giggle, then experiencing her emotional and academic struggles and celebrating her award winning talents. I cannot believe this day is here already. Today is the start of a new chapter in our lives. Morgan, and all of those who graduate this year, now has the foundation and the wings to soar. I have no doubt that she will accomplish all of her dreams.
Morgan has wanted to become a Vet her whole life and now the journey begins.
Without Change We Would Remain Stagnant
Big events have a tendency to draw a lot of emotions to the surface. Please allow yourself to feel anything that may arise. It is OK to feel sad, fearful, happy, excited and to experience any other emotion. I am personnally proud, happy, nervous, excited and a bit anxious about letting my daughter, and frankly my best friend go. But, I know it is best for her. Change is scary, but look at this as an evolution. Without change and growth we would become stagnant and die either spiritually or physically. Thankfully Morgan will be attending U.K. this year, which is only an hour and a half south. Yes I will make a few visits to share some laughter and love, but I also look forward to her trips home for holidays and long weekends, and now I can look at the moments that we spend together as special gifts of time.
I love this group of fine young men and women and look forward to watching them soar.
Oh The Places You'll Go
Let the adventures begin! All things are possible when we believe. My message to the graduates of 2018 is dream big, work hard, and never give up! Your moms, dads and friends are only a call away. This is a big change in your life. Practice the pause and breathe when you are stressed, never be afraid to say no to things you are not comfortable with, and also say yes to new experiences that will help you grow. We teeter in life on a line between needing challenges that help us grow and needing to stay safe. Step outside of your comfort zone occasionally throughout life and say yes to positive challenges. You have got this and we are here to support this great journey!
Love & Light,
Coming up next week on Total Soulful Journey, Paul will give you a vacationer's overview of Hawaii and insider tips on what to do and where to eat on the beautiful island of Kauai. If you've ever dreamed of visiting Hawaii, you will want to read this blog!
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