The Four Commitments - 2019
/Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you follow through with them? You are not alone if you answered YES to the first question and NO to the second. For example, 90% of people who join gyms in January no longer go to them by March. And according to Forbes Magazine, just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions. Why is that?
Photography by Paul Garrett
Commitments vs. Resolutions
I think that the word “RESOLUTIONS” no longer holds much weight because making resolutions is just something that we only do out of tradition on New Year’s Eve rather then out of conviction. I think that COMMITMENTS is a much stronger word. So what are you honestly willing to commit to in 2019 to help you grow into a better version of yourself and to honor your ambitions and your dreams?
Writing down the goals that you are willing to commit to is a powerful practice. Also think how good you will feel when you follow through and achieve your visions for the coming year. Do you feel certain that you will honor your commitments to yourself? When we feel certain that we can achieve a goal, we are much more likely to put in the efforts that are necessary for success. We are also more likely to succeed if we keep our goals simple and achievable.
Let’s take a moment during the remaining days of December to list 4 COMMITMENTS that we are willing to make for 2019 in service of our highest greatest good in the areas of MIND, BODY, SOUL AND LOVE. Once again, be honest with yourself while making these commitments and keep these goals simple enough to achieve. Click HERE to download a PDF for this writing exercise.
Good nutrition supports mind, body and soul. Photography by Paul Garrett
My 4 Commitments For 2019
1. What is your top goal to improve your mind in 2019? I am constantly reading and watching videos to improve my mind. I have also improved my mind through meditation and good nutrition. Write down your commitment in the space below to improve your mind:
2. What is your commitment to improve your body in 2019? I just started drinking celery juice. I am also going to join a yoga studio in January, and I am committed to running more regularly. What is your commitment for your body?
3. What is your commitment to your SOUL? We are spiritual beings and it is important to honor our souls. I am committed to deepening my meditation practice in order to increase my connection with my higher self (you may call this intuition). I am also committed to honoring my soul by living a life of integrity that aligns with my calling.
4. What is your commitment to cultivating more LOVE in your life? Many have told me that they do not love themselves, or they do not understand the meaning of self love because they confuse it with narcissism. In 2019 I commit to self love and to setting better boundaries when it comes to love. When you are a giving person it is not uncommon to give more love than you receive. In the healthiest relationships there is an even give and take that creates balance. Sometimes loving yourself means putting yourself first when your relationship is no longer reciprocal. Never make another person a priority when they treat you as an option. Another way to improve the love in your life is to commit to self healing. By letting go of the past and by healing old wounds you create space for more love to come into your life. What is your commitment to love?
Exercise has so many rewards for the mind, body and soul. Photography by Paul Garrett
It is so important to invest in yourself and to honor your commitments and your dreams. Each year passes by faster and faster. Don’t let another year slip by you with regrets. Make a commitment to yourself to make 2019 a wonderful year of growth, love and abundance. By improving yourself in mind, body, soul and love, you will not only increase the quality of your life, you will also make the world a better place by honoring your divine purpose. Let’s make 2019 a great year!!
With love,
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