Am I Getting Enough Vitamin D?
/The Importance of Vitamin D
It’s the day after the winter solstice and one of the shortest days of the year in the northern hemisphere. Chances are, thanks to the cold weather and the brevity of these days, that you are feeling a bit sun deprived and sluggish by now. Sun exposure upon our skin is the number one source for creating vitamin D and this time of year most of us are running low on this essential vitamin.
Morgan Zion enjoying the sunshine in Seattle. - Photography by Paul Garrett
Vitamin D serves many important functions in our bodies. One of the main things that it does is to keep our bones strong by helping our bodies absorb calcium. Without sufficient levels of vitamin D people can develop aches and pains in their bones as they become calcium deprived and weaken. Vitamin D is also important for your brain health, your heart and circulatory system and your immune system. It is even thought to protect us against colds, the flu and certain cancers.
How Do I Know if I am Vitamin D Deficient?
It may not be easy to know for you to know if you are deficient without getting your blood tested by your doctor. Some symptoms, however, include:
Being susceptible to catching colds
Feeling tire and lethargic
Having achey bones and muscles
Feeling depressed during the winter
Weight gain
Hair loss
Fresh wild salmon is a good source of vitamin D and omega 3’s. - Photography by Paul Garrett
What Are The Best Sources of Vitamin D?
Sunshine on your skin
Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines
Whole eggs
Beef liver
Certain mushrooms
Fortified milk and dairy products
Fortified almond milk
Fortified juices
Fortified cereals
Vitamin D supplements
*Always check food labels for vitamin content.
Aileen Day enjoying yoga in the sunshine. - Photography by Paul Garrett
Consult your physician if you feel like you are not getting enough vitamin D. Once again, your doctor can give you a blood test and recommend supplements with the proper dosage if necessary. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to get outside as often as possible during these short days. Sunshine, fresh air and exercise alway boost my mood and give me energy. This weekend, for example, I am going skiing in the mountains of Oregon. Skiing is an exhilarating activity for me. How about you? What are your plans for this weekend?
Sending you sunshine,
Paul Garrett
P.S. - I’m going to be the photographer for an awesome yoga retreat in Sayulita, Mexico from March 24 - 30. This upcoming trip will be an amazing opportunity for you to also escape the cold, practice yoga and soak up the sun on a beautiful beach. Click HERE for more information and let me know if you have any questions. Sign up by December 25th and you can save $200 dollars. If you register, please list “ambassador” in the box that asks you how you found out about this trip. I hope that you will join us!
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