How to Overcome Procrastination
/What’s blocking you from getting your work done? Both mental and emotional blocks create resistance within us and can hold us back from making progress. When we put off things that are unpleasant or uncertain, we not only fail to complete what we need to get done, we also create energy leaks that make us feel tired and lead to greater procrastination. When someone asks you how you are doing and you answer them with a big SIGH, chances are that you are probably being weighed down by procrastination.
Photography by Paul Garrett
Perhaps you are putting off making an important phone call because you don’t have a plan of action? By delaying this action another day, the resistance grows making it even harder for you to make this call the following day. The resistance, however, will most likely grow and grow until you take action. After all, problems rarely go away by ignoring them. Even if the answer that you get when you make your call is a big “NO,” you have your answer and you can then move forward with a new plan of action.
A very common emotion that blocks our actions is the fear of rejection. What if we don’t get what we want? What if we are so nervous that we fear seeming foolish during the call? This leads to more uncertainty and more loss of energy. The best answer to this predicament it to just take action and practice acceptance that whatever will be will be.
Face your fears and you will become more confident. Photography by Paul Garrett
Before you go to bed tonight, write down three intentions for tomorrow. When you wake up in the morning complete the intention that has been causing you the most resistance first. If it is a difficult call that you have to make, psych yourself up by saying to yourself with positive energy, “I can do this” and then make the call. This will put you into a positive state of being, which will bring confidence to your voice. After you complete your call, notice how much lighter you feel now that you have it behind you. Next complete your second and third intentions. Congrats, you’ve got this!
Wishing you a successful day,
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