Love is the Garden That Grows in Your Heart
/Love is the garden that grows in your heart. If you do not tend to it with care, it will wither or become overrun by the weeds of life. This is also true with our minds if we allow them to be consumed by negative thoughts.
photography by Paul Garrett
A beautiful love garden begins with loving ourselves. As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, we cannot fully love another person until we learn to love ourselves and feel our completeness on our own. Many people seek out intimate relationships with the thought that they need another person to make them complete. By giving our power over to a significant other we place the responsibility for our happiness unfairly upon that person. This may also lead to codependency, neediness and a lack of balance in the relationship. Often times people repeat this pattern over and over with others, wondering why their relationships never work out. Heartache, fear, jealousy, anger, neediness and contempt are weeds to the heart and leave little room for unconditional love and romance to bloom. This creates conflict, drama and resentment, which can lead to a downward spiral.
If this has been your experience in life, I encourage you to take time off from dating and get to know and love yourself. After my divorce I took a year off to find myself and rebuild my self esteem. This was very helpful. As you may know, many of the thorns that come up in our relationships are triggers from painful events that we carry with us from our past. If, for example, you believe that people will eventually leave you because your parents split up when you were a child, this can become a self fulfilling prophecy for you in your intimate relationships. People who believe this will often sabotage their relationships or fail to open their hearts and let their partner in. Through awareness, however, you can examine your conscious and subconscious beliefs and change them into ones that create healthier outcomes.
Photography by Paul Garrett
Imagine how beautiful your love garden will be once you have pulled your own weeds and learned to love yourself… When you get to know yourself, you will have a better idea of the qualities and the characteristic of the partner who you desire to attract into your life. Imagine attracting a person who is equally loving and conscious. A person who is compatible with your values, interests and dreams. A partner who supports your spiritual well being and encourages your growth, just as you do the same for them. Imagine how beautiful your love garden will be as you and your partner give it the sunshine of love, the water of awareness and the fertilizer of mutual respect. Relationships take effort, but the reward of creating a beautiful love garden together is beyond amazing!
With love,
Next on the blog this coming Saturday, Libby will share her findings from her month long experiment with juicing everyday. Find out what it has done for her skin and her energy. Libby will also share her juicing recipes with you. Until Saturday, wishing you a productive week!!
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