The Power of Belief - Part One: Believe in Yourself
/Our beliefs have an enormous power over how we see ourselves and how we perceive reality. They are the catalyst behind what we do and what we don’t do. At the heart of our belief system is what we believe about ourselves. Those who believe that they can achieve anything, boldly pursue their desires and their dreams. While those who hold back, often carry self limiting thoughts and negative beliefs that were handed down to them by their parents, as well as other authority figures from their youth.
Think about your own insecurities. Do you know the original source of them? Our deepest beliefs were given to us when we were children. If your parents were very supportive, loving and encouraging, you probably developed a great deal of confidence at an early age to take risks and to pursue your interests. Their praise and love taught you that you were capable and worthy and that failure was just part of the learning process.
We have to take risks if we want to build self confidence and grow. Photography by Paul Garrett
On the other hand if your parents withheld love, were overly protective or verbally put you down, it is likely that you are more adverse to taking risks. I had wonderful parents, but looking back I can see where I inherited some of my insecurities. My parents were loving and did the best that they could, and for that I am grateful. However, I have had to push myself to overcome some of the limiting beliefs that were handed down to me. If we have thoughts that are holding us back, it is important to create AWARENESS and understanding around their origin. When we realize that it is just a belief and not who we are, we can let it go and replace it with an understanding that supports our all around growth.
Take a moment to look at your beliefs through these questions and write down the answers on a piece of paper:
I am…(list five positive beliefs about yourself)
Now list five negative beliefs that you have about yourself:
I am…
Who gave you these beliefs? Write down that person’s name next to the questions above. This is not to lay blame or to condemn anyone. It is just a way to create awareness and understanding. Now ask yourself if any of these beliefs are holding you back? If so, then it’s time to release them. Letting go is a process that takes time and may also require you to forgive yourself and others. Through awareness, acceptance and forgiveness you will eventually find emotional freedom and that is a beautiful thing. The other good news is that we can change our beliefs and replace them with ones that serve our goals, our dreams and our life’s purpose. Working with a therapist or a life coach can be a great way to help you recognize your limiting thoughts, identify your goals in life and create strategies to achieve them. Self study by reading books and taking time each day to meditate can also be immensely helpful.
One of the ways to reprogram your mind on your own is by repeating affirmations. One of my favorite affirmations that helps with my finances is, "money comes to me with ease." Through repetition over time you can actually train your subconscious mind to believe whatever you want it to believe. Napoleon Hill dedicated an entire chapter to this subject in his classic book, “Think and Grow Rich.” In his book he refers to this technique as autosuggestion. By practicing autosuggestion countless entrepreneurs and business people have been able to develop a mindset of success that has helped them achieve their dreams.
“Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.
Photography by Paul Garrett
In order to change a belief about yourself you have to fully convince your subconscious mind that you can do it. This may take a huge amount of commitment on your part and a burning desire to change. You may also have to summon up the courage to make scary alterations in your current situation. That might mean quitting your job or leaving a relationship that is dimming your soul. This transition may even set you back temporarily, but your happiness and your self respect are well worth the short term heartships that you may face. Just know that you are worth the risks and that there are brighter days ahead as you let go of anything that no longer serves your highest greatest good, such as people who suck your energy and barely give back. Value YOU and surround yourself with people who love and value you, as well.
There is no better day than today to take back your life and to reclaim your dreams. It may take time to reprogram your mindset for success, and it will certainly take some courage, but remember that there is a higher purpose for your life and that you are here to pursue your destiny. By declaring your dreams and working toward them, your life will gain meaning and purpose. Furthermore, you will start to feel greater confidence, more passion and a whole lot happier. The best investment that you can ever make is in yourself. Love yourself, believe in your dreams and you will succeed!
With love and courage,
Next Tuesday Paul will continue with part 2 of "The Power of Belief." Our thoughts not only impact how we feel about ourselves, they also have a big influence over our health. Next week we'll take a deeper dive into this mind-body connection. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post and have a wonderful week!
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