5 Vital Tips for Feeling More Energetic
The average American gets around 6.8 hours of sleep each night, when the ideal amount is around 8 hours. Our bodies need sleep in order to heal and regenerate. Our brains also need time out to process information and to rest. If we continually deprive ourselves of sleep, our bodies and our minds are not able to function at their maximum potential and eventually we get into the habit of being tired throughout much of the day. If you want to feel more energetic, make it a habit of getting around eight hours of sleep each night. Not only will you be able to think more clearly and creatively, you will also be healthier.
Pike Place Market in Seattle is a colorful place to find fresh fruit, vegetables and seafood. Photo by Paul Garrett
Our bodies need a whole host of vitamins and minerals from vitamin A to Zinc to be healthy, strong and energetic. The best way to assure that you are getting proper nutrition is to eat a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables (including dark leafy greens), nuts and seeds. For many people eating meat is tiring. These heavy proteins and fats require a lot of energy to digest and metabolize and can make some people feel sluggish. In addition, avoid eating processed foods. They tend to be higher in sugar and in salt. They also tend to be high in calories and low in nutrition. By eating a variety of fresh organic whole foods, you will likely feel more energetic and better about yourself. When I transitioned to a mostly plant based diet a couple years ago, I lost weight and my energy has never been better.
Mackenzie Madison is a professional Triathlete who loves the energy that she gets from exercise. Photo by paul garrett
Moving our bodies increases our metabolisms, strengthens our hearts, lungs and muscles and makes most people feel more energetic. It also helps us lose weight, or maintain our weight at a healthy level. Years ago my son was feeing tired much of the time. His doctor suggested that if he lost weight, he would feel more energetic. We both started a routine of walking five miles a day together and we improved our eating habits. As a result we both lost weight rather quickly and sure enough we both felt more energetic. Exercise is important for our health and for our mental well being. You don’t have to be a runner or join a gym to see results. Try walking 30 minutes a day and I bet that you will feel the many benefits that exercise will give you within a couple weeks.
Napa Valley Sunshine is sure to lift your spirits! Featuring Caroline Flowers from forever dolled up. Photo by Paul Garrett
Spending time in nature is great for stress reduction. Stress is one of those things that robs us of our energy. Furthermore, the vitamin D that our bodies produce when our skin is exposed to the sun makes us feel more energetic. Vitamin D also protects us from certain diseases, including the common cold and even cancer. Think how energized you feel after spending a day hiking in a beautiful forest or swimming in the ocean. Nature, sunshine and exercise combined will give you a wonderful boost of energy.
Enthusiasm is often overlooked when we consider what makes us feel energetic. For me, however, it is the psychic powerhouse that generates a consistent supply of positive energy. If you constantly feel low on energy and yet you eat well, get plenty of sleep and regularly exercise, ask yourself if you are feeling excited about your life and where it is heading. The key to enthusiasm is doing things that align with your purpose and your passion.
So many of us feel stuck at one time or another in life with our jobs or relationships that do not align with our purpose or serve our highest good. Making major life changes can be scary. This fear can also drain us of our energy. However, dreading going into work each day is also a big drain on our energy, which overtime takes its toll upon our spirit and our health. Toxic relationships also do the same. Know that your life can be so much better. Find your purpose, align with what makes you happy, overcome your fears and do not settle for anything less than what will make you feel enthusiastic about your life and you will begin to thrive.
Jody Filkins and Jennifer Ferguson of Handful (designers of women's Activewear) are a powerhouse of Energy. Photo by Paul Garrett for Starve UPs
This past week I filmed interviews with the founders of 16 startup companies that are new to my business group called Starve Ups. It was so energizing to be around these inspiring mission driven entrepreneurs. What they had in common that was a passion for what they are doing, a mission to improve the world and a team of like minded co-founders to inspire and guide them. When I interviewed Jennifer Ferguson and Jody Filkins from Handful, they were absolutely exuberant about the line of activewear for woman that they have created. Their slogan is “Grab Life by the handful,” which definitely goes with their enthusiastic personalities. These high energy women leave you with no doubt that they LOVE what they are doing.
When you are enthusiastic, that's your soul shining! Don’t settle for feeling tired and unmotivated. You can live the life of your dreams. It’s out there waiting for you, but you have to be willing to put yourself first, get plenty of sleep, eat nutrient dense whole foods, move your body every day, spend time in nature, enjoy the sunshine and most of all... not overlook the importance of enthusiasm. Find your passion in life and align with it. This will make a world of difference!
Wishing you an energetic week,
Paul Garrett
P.S. - Invite your friends and family to join us here on a Total Soulful Journey and be sure to sign up for our free newsletter. In addition, our book club book for April is "The Alchemist." Are you reading it? Have you read it? We'll be reviewing this soulful book next month.
Up next on the blog, Libby McAvoy will give you an insightful introduction to how to meditate. Meditation is a highly transformative practice that will help you calm your mind, think more clearly and bring more mindfulness into your life.
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