What Does "As Within, So Without" Mean?
/What does “As Within, So Without” mean to you? This expression is considered to be a universal truth or law which shows us that the outside world is a reflection of our inner world. What we feel and what we believe have a tendency to manifest in our lives. For this reason it is very important to raise our awareness regarding this universal truth and to understand how it applies to our lives.
For example, have you had periods in your life where bad things keep happening to you and it feels like you never get a break from the problems and challenges that keep weighing you down? Stop and think about this, remembering that your outer world is a reflection of what you think, believe and are feeling inside. To shift back into and upward spiral you have to change your inner world. As you transform your negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones, you will begin to attract the people, opportunities and outcomes that inspire you to pursue your greatest dreams.
Sky above me, Earth Below me, fire within me. Live the life you love and say “YES” to life’s Challenges. - Photography by Paul Garrett
Years ago when I was going through my divorce, I naturally experienced many negative emotions which mainly revolved around fear and rejection. In this low vibrational state, it seemed like nothing was going my way. Fortunately I made a conscious decision to break this cycle by changing my inner world through self study (self improvement), exercise and by improving my nutrition. Over time I faced the fears that were holding me back and turned them into an opportunity to grow and pursue new interests and dreams. More often than not, the worst things that happen to us can actually become blessings in disguise because they move us out of our comfort zones, compel us to grow and make us stronger. The more that I learned about myself, the more that I came to understand the importance of self love when it comes to creating a beautiful life. In addition, by reprogramming my belief systems to align with my authentic self, my purpose and vision became clear. As a result I started attracting people and opportunities that truly supported my life’s mission. As soon as I understood this aspect of the Law of Attraction, life became magical and exciting again.
The answers you seek lie within you. Open your heart to new possibilities. - Photography by Paul Garrett
5 Ways to Transform Your Life From Within
Get to know yourself: Self knowledge is vital for living an authentic life.
Love yourself: You cannot fully love another person until you love yourself.
Let go of fear: Fear can hold us back or it can make us stronger by overcoming it.
Take time out for you: Invest in your wellbeing and in your growth. This will raise your vibration, calm your mind and help you to grow into the best version of yourself. People often say that they don’t have time for themselves. In reality we always find time to do what we value, so make yourself a priority!
Become conscious: This sounds silly, but most people are only fully conscious 5 to 10 percent of the time. The rest of the time they are reacting to life based upon programs within their subconscious minds without really thinking about it. In fact, many of our unconscious thoughts aren’t even ours. They were put there by others, such as our parents. This is one of the reasons why so many people feel stuck, trapped or unhappy. They are still under the influence of other people’s expectations and not their own. Master your thoughts and you will have the freedom to direct your destiny.
We change the world by changing ourselves. - Photography by Paul Garrett
To live our best lives it is so important for us to be true to ourselves and to take ownership over our feelings and our beliefs. Once we do this we also begin to make the world a better place. Inner peace creates outer peace. In addition, by being true to ourselves we no longer have an overwhelming need to seek validation and approval from others, as Libby discussed in our previous blog post.
Take some time to really think about “As Within, So Without” and how it pertains to your life. Notice how your thoughts and beliefs manifest themselves into your daily life. As you consciously take ownership over your thoughts and your feelings, you will feel a positive shift take place. This is a form of awakening that has the power to transform your life into a Total Soulful Journey.
Wishing you growth, happiness and love,
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