How To Overcome The Poverty of Thought And Make Your Dreams Come True
/Robin Martin is driven by her passion for yoga and the pursuit of excellence. Many yoga poses require practice and determination to achieve. Photography by Paul Garrett
What often holds us back from achieving our dreams are our limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits. In a way this is a form of poverty that keeps us in a state of lack and hopelessness. By understanding how our conscious and our subconscious minds work, we can literally reprogram our minds for success and to start living our dreams. Please watch this informative video by Dr. Bruce Lipton. He does an excellent job of explaining how our brains work and how to reprogram them:
Now that you have an overview of the brain, let’s dive deeper into some of the things that make us feel stuck and suggest some ways to overcome these barriers:
Limiting Words
Words have power. Limiting words like “I can’t,” “I should,” and “I have to” often control our actions based on programming from our childhood that no longer serves us. They also prevent us from taking ownership over our destiny by keeping us trapped in old belief systems regarding what we are “supposed” and “not supposed to” do in order to be accepted. When we become conscious of the power that these words have over us, we can take our power back by turning them into empowering questions. “I can’t”, for example, becomes “How can I?” “I have to” can become “What do I really want to do?” Doing what we love often feels effortless and fun compared to doing what we hate to do. Click on the link to this article titled, “10 Limiting Words You Should Never Say” to learn more about limiting words.
Limiting beliefs
Our thoughts and our words become our beliefs. And beliefs in a way are thought habits that are engrained within our psyches and have a huge influence over how we view ourselves and the world. If we grew up in an environment where we were told that we would never succeed, chances are that this would become a self fulfilling prophecy. The good news is that we don’t have to accept the negative labels and limiting beliefs that were given to us. Through awareness and the repetition of new and empowering beliefs, we can reprogram our brains for success. This is were the repetition of mantras becomes a powerful tool for tricking our subconscious minds into believing what we want them to believe as we learned in the above video by Dr. Bruce Lipton. Over the past three years I have been able to overcome my own limiting beliefs through self study and practice. As a result, this has helped me to develop the confidence to pursue my passions with enthusiasm and the feeling that I will succeed. According to Tony Robbins, “Certainty” is a huge motivator. If we are certain that we will succeed, then we are much more apt to face big hurdles and conquer them to achieve our goals. Certainty is a belief and we can trick our minds into believing that we can do whatever we want to do in life.
Ben pulled off this handstand after running a 200 mile race around Lake Tahoe. The first step toward success is believing that you can do what you want to achieve. Photography by Paul Garrett
Learned Helplessness
According to, learned helplessness is “A condition in which a person or animal has come to believe he or she is helpless in a situation, even when this is untrue.” Learned helplessness is one of the reasons that people who are the victims of domestic violence often do not try to get away from their abuser. Through emotional manipulation and conditioning, they succumb to low self esteem and the belief that they cannot make it on their own. This is also true of children who grow up in poverty and feel that they can never rise to a higher standard of living. In reality we can all succeed on our own if we believe in ourselves and are willing to recondition our thinking for success.
Photography by Paul Garrett
What we hold to be true in our minds has incredible power over us and our destinies. Change the way that you think and you will change your life. Success is a mindset that can be learned and put into practice through awareness and perseverance. We live in an abundant universe where all things are possible when we believe in them. Never let anyone’s opinion, or your own limiting thoughts and beliefs hold you back from living your best life. We are all here to thrive so I encourage you to pursue your dreams with passion and energy.
All the best,
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