The Rhythm of Life; What Are You Waiting For?

The Rhythm of Life; What Are You Waiting For?

"The Rhythm of Life," by Matthew Kelly in my opinion embodies the concept and the mission of a Total Soulful Journey, which is to AWAKEN, INSPIRE AND EMPOWER YOU TO BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF. This is one of the most powerful books that I have read. Although the author's answers to life’s mysteries seem obvious at times, we can all relate to them. The book begins by stating that life is a series of choices. Choices in the food we consume, in love, in fear, in anger, in what we wear, where we live... Every choice we make either leads us closer to our destiny or draws us back from our goals. But, what are your goals and what is your life’s mission? Many do not know, and that is OK, but we must always dream really really big, because as Matthew Kelly says, “Dreams foster hope, and hope is one of the forces by which men and women live.” Each choice we make designs the tapestry of our life.

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F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)

F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself)


When we live from a place of love, all things are possible. Fear and love are polar opposites. Fear holds us back and love propels us forward. Shame, divorce, violence and obesity are just a few of our society’s massive problems, most of which can be overcome through self study. We must know, love and understand ourselves before we can fully love, fully be loved and fully reach our greatest potential.

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Soaring Into a Total Soulful Journey

Soaring Into a Total Soulful Journey

Starting from zero, we each begin our lives with a blank slate of infinite possibilities and the opportunity to create an incredible vision for our lives. After all, we are the authors, the architects and the drivers of our lives and yet too often we give away our power to shape our own destinies. As a result we end up feeling powerless, stuck, unmotivated, overwhelmed, burned out, unhappy and perhaps a little envious of others who dare to boldly chase their dreams.

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