6 Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Our Pets

I’ve been pet sitting a dog and a cat for the past three days and they have reminded me just how much we can learn from them and why we love animals so much. Let me share with you the six lessons that I have been reminded of from this experience:

1. Love unconditionally: If you have a dog or a cat I’m sure that you can relate to this. Animals express unconditional love so freely and it makes us feel appreciated and happy. Imagine if we could be that free to share our love with other people without fear of rejection, expectations or judgement. Think how good that would make you feel. So many of us have been hurt in intimate relationships that we tend to hold back for fear of getting hurt again. Take it from a dog and always choose love over fear. By opening our hearts to others we can experience the beautiful energy of love and acceptance.

When you mean the world to another being. Photography by Paul Garrett

When you mean the world to another being. Photography by Paul Garrett

2. Freely express your emotions: I love how cats and dogs are so expressive with their emotions. Think how good you feel when your dog greets you with pure excitement when you come home, or how your cat purrs so freely in your presence. To be greeted as if you are the most important being in their universe feels really awesome. Imagine being greeted that way by your partner every time you see them and to return that free expression of happiness and affection to them, as well? It would be wonderful. So why are we so reserved? Why do we hold back our emotions? Why do we fear being vulnerable? If we could be more like our pets, imagine how much greater our relationships with each other would be.

3. Be totally present: Cats and dogs have a wonderful way of being fully immersed in the present moment. It’s as if they have read all of Eckhart Tolle’s books and they really understand the "power of now". Most of us are guilty of spending way too much time and energy dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. This totally robs us of the only thing that really exists and that is the present moment. If you want to be closer to another person, be present when you are together so that you can fully enjoy the moment with them. 

When you are embarrassed that you have to wear a harness in public. Photography by Paul Garrett

When you are embarrassed that you have to wear a harness in public. Photography by Paul Garrett

4. Be quick to forgive: Pets who live with loving humans are quick to forgive. If you accidentally step on their tails, they get over it as soon as the pain goes away and they don’t hold it against you. Humans on the other hand tend to hold onto grudges even for small offenses. As this negative energy builds up within us, we grow further apart from other people. Be quick to forgive the small stuff and move on. You do not need to harbor negative energy considering that it will bring you down and attract more negativity into your life. Let’s get back to wagging our metaphorical tails as quickly as we can.

5. Never forget the importance of playing: Pets that I have know love to play. I have even had two cats who loved to play fetch as much as they enjoyed chasing laser dots. And you know how much dogs love to run, fetch and chase one another around. Playing lifts our spirits, raises our heart rates and makes us feel young again. Play often with your pets, friends, children and partners. It will totally increase the happiness factor in your life.

When your buddy follows you everywhere and loves you more than mice pie. Photography by Paul Garrett

When your buddy follows you everywhere and loves you more than mice pie. Photography by Paul Garrett

6. Loyalty matters: Pets are wonderfully loyal. We can always count on them to comfort us when we are feeling down. They also don't cheat on us the way that humans do. Loyalty counts in life. When people are loyal to one another their bonds are incredibly strong. This is rare, but when you find a person who is loving and loyal, it feels so comforting to know that they will always have your back.

These are the first impressions off the top of my head. Libby and I would love to hear what you have learned from your pets, as well. Please leave a comment in the box below, or write to us @totalsoulfuljourney on Instagram.

Stay playful and have a wonderful week!


P.S. - If you do not have a pet of your own, consider pet sitting for your friends and family. They will feel good knowing that their pet pet is loved while they are away and you will gain a new furry friend.

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